Sunday, November 21, 2010

A lil copy and paste of Iran's Islamic Revolution

Our country, Malaya has gone down into the drain. Corruption, Prostitution, homosexual activities and many more immoral activities have become a norm in this country. we can easily see many young malay kids kissing, caressing along the streets of kl (ie bkt bintang) at night or day. we do not want our kids and grandchildren to follow our mistakes today. I believe the current leadership of malaya cant change this situation to the better either. Where instead they had made it worse. Me, you, him, her and us should realize that we are moving thousand steps backward in terms of moral values. Only the people, guided by our strong beliefs can change the current scenario in the country. We can start changing from home. Start praying and be nicer to our parents for examples. We can or should also learn from the history of other countries like Iran. I think the best example that we should have an in depth look into is the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979. We can see how the people are fed up with their King because of his arrogance and unfair treatment to his people. He was finally kicked out of his country by his own people. Yes, the same scenario can (must) happen in our country. We used to have DSAI as our hero but he almost  got defeated today due to suppression of the current govt .and betrayal from his own men.  Perhaps KJ can be the new revolt leader, LOL.


Ayatollah Khomeini

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